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Defining Hull dynamic pressures analyses

You may create a new Hull dynamic pressures analysis by selecting the New "Hull dynamic pressures" analysis item from the pop-up menu that displays as you click the Fatigue folder in the model browser.


Before launching any "Hull dynamic pressures" analysis, you must have run at least one dynamic analysis.

Once a new "Hull dynamic pressures" analysis is created, you may edit the analysis parameters either of the following ways:

  • Double click the "Hull dynamic pressures" analysis name from the model browser

  • Right click the "Hull dynamic pressures" analysis name from the model browser and select Edit in the pop-up menu that displays.

The Edit "Hull dynamic pressures" window is composed of two main parts.

The action buttons located in the upper-right corner of the window are associated with the following actions:

  • OK: Save and close the edit panel
  • Cancel Close the edit panel without saving.
  • Compute: Launch the post-processing.
  • Generate Batch: Used to generate the batch file and run the "Hull dynamic pressures" analysis processing with the batch mode.
  • Generate queue: Creates a queue file for all sub studies to be used in the batch processing user interface.

Generated batch and queue files are located in the export_Hull_Pressures folder of the dsk file directory.

The following tab-sheets serves to define all "Hull dynamic pressures" analysis parameters :

  • General: This tab is used to set-up the most general parameters of any request, i.e; the selected floaters and for each floater, the sub-structures, if any. In case no sub-structures are defined, the name of the floater will be automatically selected.

  • Cases: This tab is used to define several post-processing requests; every request (so-called "case") is associated with, on one hand, a floater structure among the previous list and a selection of dynamic analyses used to derive the pressure.

    For every case, specific parameters may be defined:

    • Tmin, Tmax : time window for the post-processing

      Then a series of boolean options Y (meaning Yes) or N (meaning No) may be selected:

    • Global max pressure only in output file: If this option is checked, only the maximum pressures will be provided. Otherwise, the different components of the dynamic pressure are detailed:

      • The static pressure (Pstat) in still water,

      • The hydrostatic pressure (Phys) : "Hydrostatic" pressure variation due to the floater's motions computed on the instant immersed volume,

      • The Froude-Krylov pressures (Pfkr): "Hydrostatic" pressure variation due to the wave elevation computed on the instant immersed volume,

      • The diffraction and radiation pressures (Pdif, Prad): pressure variations due to the modification of the incident wave by the floater derived from the pressure transfer functions previously computed by Diodore.

    • Max panels pressure in DSK file: If this option is checked, the time series of the maximum pressures for all hull mesh panels is provided which may lead to very large output files. This option must be checked to display the results in the dsk file.

  • Run or generate individually" option: For the batch, this option allows running every post-processing independently in other to distribute the processes on the available CPUs.