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Clash check requests

The clash check requests tab includes six different sections as follows:

  • The Calculation area,

  • The Request area,

  • The Objects area,

  • The Control points area,

  • The Variable area,

  • The Matrix area.

Calculation area: The selected analysis may include static and dynamic simulations. Hence, the user must indicate which kind of gap matrices should be built: Static or Dynamic

Request area: Once one has specified if static or dynamic results are desired, one must define the type of requested results.

  • In the case of static results, only the snapshot option is available and one has to give a static step number (among the static steps performed).

  • In the case of dynamic results, one may choose between snapshot and envelope outputs. For snapshot, a time step must be given (in the range of the simulation duration).

Objects area: select the lines between which the clearance will be computed, wrt the selected cells in the associated matrix (see below). The Objects area is split in two list boxes:

  • On left hand, the tree displays the list of lines included in the current analysis. One or several lines may be selected by clicking on the select box.

  • On right hand, the area displays the list of analyses created in the same .DSK file, with the lines included. Thus, it is possible to compute the distances between lines whose positions have been calculated in two (or more) different analyses. The selection method is as follows: Click on a line and then on Add line from another analysis. The selected line is added in the left hand list. The list is updated and the new line displayed at the end of the tree. Finally, in the object window, tick the selection boxes for each line you wish to include.


This functionality is very powerful but it remains users responsibility to ensure that the different analyses are consistent (orientation, depth, relative coordinates of the lines, loadings, environmental conditions, )

Control points area: The user may choose between nodes and control points for distance calculation:

  • At nodes: The control points are the nodes of the reference line.

  • Other number: N control points are spread along the reference line. By default, the number of control points is 100 and may be changed to increase the accuracy, or to reduce the post-processing time.


The reference line is the upstream line in the matrix (in column). For example, it is line LL2 when gap is calculated between line LL2 and LL3 in the following matrix:

Variable area: One matrix of distances will be built (see below). One has to define how the gap will be calculated:

  • Absolute gap mean line: The absolute distances are calculated Centerline to centerline.

  • X-direction gap mean line: Distance along X between the lines, Centerline to centerline

  • Y-direction gap mean line: Distance along Y between the lines, Centerline to centerline

  • Z-direction gap mean line: Distance along Z between the lines, Centerline to centerline

  • Absolute gap diam accounted: The absolute distances are calculated with respect to the outside diameters. Buoyancy diameters are used assuming that it corresponds to actual outside diameters of the pipes (bare pipe or insulated pipe or pipe with buoyancy modules).

  • X-direction gap diam accounted: Distance along X between the lines, buoyancy diameter accounted for.

  • Y-direction gap diam accounted: Distance along Y between the lines, buoyancy diameter accounted for.

  • Z-direction gap diam accounted: Distance along Z between the lines, buoyancy diameter accounted for.

Matrix area: One matrix of distances will be built according to the previously selected lines.

Once the lines and parameters have been defines and selected, click on Add matrix to create the associated matrix. This former is displayed in the bottom, and the following information is reminded:

  • Calculation: type of simulation/ type of results/ type of control points

  • Analysis: The name of the current analysis is written. This is the analysis from which the DSS is opened, even if at least one or all the selected lines come from other analyses.

    Tip :

    In fact, this information may be useful in particular when all the lines
    are selected from the current analysis, but also when an analysis is
    specifically created for gap post-processing, gathering the results of several
    other analyses.
  • Variable: Type of gap calculation.

Half a matrix is displayed. Each cell corresponds to the possibility of gap calculation between two lines. The user may adjust the size of the post- processing workload:

  • Click on Select all and the whole matrix will be filled with gap values.

  • Click on Clear all and no post-processing will be carried-out.

  • Switch on or off each select box (matrix cell) to activate or deactivate cell.