Home > User Interface > Overview > Units Systems Wizard
Units systems wizard
From the Settings > Units section in the Menu Bar, you may create user-defined Units system with the option Units system wizard. Units systems Metric and US are already available by default in the menu. When this option is selected, the Units system wizard window displays as presented below.
Click Add to create a new units system, either based on US or Metric units. User defined units systems are characterized by their name specified in the upper left corner of the units system wizard, names of main units used in the GUI and conversion factors.
Pressing the Apply button will make the user defined units system available from the Settings > Menu. You may finally select this units system in the menu to activate it in the GUI.
You also may add any new Units System or remove any existing one with the buttons Add and Remove.
All the properties of your user defined units systems may be saved into a text file that will be given the .UNI extension by clicking the Unit Settings button. This text file will be saved in your working directory.
Use of user-defined units are not constrained by error checking within the software and thus are at the users risk.