Home > User Interface > Model Browser > Types
Types are used to define a unified set of properties (based on the context in which they are applied) which can be assigned to relevant model components.
These properties are listed in the Model Browser under the Types directory. The set of types you wish to use in your model must be defined so that you can then select them to be applied within each model component.
The properties of line contents (e.g. steady internal fluid types, internal content variation types and external fluid types) can be assigned separately from the lines themselves to permit the use of a range of contents without having to define different lines. Selection of line contents data to be considered may be made separately for different analyses, as you would specify so in the calculation parameters dialog of the analyses.
Floater motion properties can be assigned separately from the Floater components themselves to permit the use of a range of motion data without having to define different Floaters. Selection of Floater motion type to be considered may be made separately for different analyses, as you would specify so in the calculation parameters dialog of the analyses.
Types are grouped as follows:
Line segment types: These properties may be assigned to Line components. Line segment types define the structural properties of the line, such as outer diameter, mass per unit length, stiffness values, hydrodynamic coefficients, structural damping, type of finite element, etc. Different line segment types may be assigned to various segments along the line within the Line data form so as get variable structural properties along the line. Custom input data forms for line segment types are available to allows easy setup of structural properties for flexible risers, rigid risers, bending stiffeners, cable and chains, tapered line sections, drilling risers, and bonded hoses. These properties are listed in the Model Browser under the Line segment types directory. The set of line types you wish to use in your model must be defined so that you can then select them to be applied within each Line definition within the Line dialog.
Floater motion types: These properties may be assigned to Floater components. Floater motion types defines the dynamic response of Floater components and include a number of options to select either prescribed motion (e.g. through motion RAO, or harmonic motion along the 6 degrees of freedom, or global motion long the 6 degrees of freedom function of time) or calculated motion (e.g. calculated low frequency motion only, or calculated low and wave frequency motion). Prescribed motion through RAO may be used for dynamic analysis of risers systems in case it can be assumed that the dynamic response of the risers do not affect the floater motion. Calculated motion may be used to derive the dynamic response of the floater depending on structural and environmental loads acting on it. Calculated motion may be used for static and dynamic analyses of mooring systems.
Contact types: Contact types define contact properties such as normal stiffness and friction coefficients which are then used to simulate contact interactions between one line and another line or between one line and a surface (e.g. seabed surface or Rigid Bodies).
Buoyancy module types: These properties may be assigned to Imposed Loading components. Buoyancy module types define buoyancy-like load properties.
Ballast properties: These properties may be assigned to Imposed Loading components applied to Rigid Body components. Ballast properties define loadings characteristics (e.g. ballast filling ratio versus quasi-static step or time).
Link properties: This section is used to define spring and flexjoint properties. These properties are then used in spring and flexjoint shapes by selecting the appropriate property name.
Internal fluid type: These properties may be assigned to Line components. This defines a constant (steady) internal fluid condition for lines. Parameters are entered to account for the additional mass and the internal pressure. The properties of line internal fluid can be assigned separately from the lines themselves to permit the use of a range of contents without having to define different lines. This Internal Fluid type may indeed be assigned to lines through the Line data form (sets the default internal fluid type for the line) or the Calculation parameters data form (which allows selecting the default type or superseding the default type with another among the existing internal fluid types).
Internal content variation type: These properties may be assigned to Line components. This defines unsteady (i.e. variable function of quasi-static step or time) internal fluid density, pressure and temperature profiles data. The properties of line internal content variation can be assigned separately from the lines themselves to permit the use of a range of contents without having to define different lines. This Internal content variation type may indeed be assigned to lines through the Line data form (sets the default internal content variation type for the line) or the Calculation parameters data form (which allows selecting the default type or superseding the default type with another among the existing internal content variation types).
External fluid type: These properties may be assigned to Line components. This allows to define a type of fluid external to a line. The external fluid is used to derive the apparent weight (weight of pipe in external fluid) and the external pressure. The external pressure is then used during post-processing to calculate the true wall tension in rigid pipes and therefore impacts the calculation of stress. The properties of line external fluid can be assigned separately from the lines themselves to permit the use of a range of external fluids without having to define different lines. This External Fluid type may indeed be assigned to lines through the Line data form (sets the default external fluid type for the line) or the Calculation parameters data form (which allows selecting the default type or superseding the default type with another among the existing external fluid types).
Drag/lift database: These properties may be assigned to Line components. The drag/lift database define advanced hydrodynamic loading characteristics that may be applied to lines. The database includes a collection of characteristics that allows modelling Reynolds dependent drag coefficient, or drag, lift, yawing moment and added mass function of the flow incidence and location on the line. This later option is useful to model drag and inertia properties applicable to non-circular riser sections (e.g. bundle equivalent lines or square sections). The drag/lift properties of line can be assigned separately from the lines themselves to permit the use of a range of drag/lift properties without having to define different lines. Drag/lift properties may indeed be assigned to lines through the Line data form (sets the default drag/lift property for the line) or the Calculation parameters data form (which allows selecting the default type or superseding the default drag/lift property with another among the existing drag/lift properties). The drag/lift database also allows defining HAWT blade foil profiles.
Structure properties: Structure properties allow the user to change material and section of a segment for post-processing, in particular, to use reinforced section for code checking. Moreover, stiffeners used for the definition of stiffened shells have to be defined in the Stiffeners folder of the structure properties.
Tables: Two types of table of values can be defined:
- Variation table: the table contains only numerical values and can be used in lots of contexts.
- Env table: the table can contain numerical or string values, and it is used in relation of User Defined Keywords or Turbine component of an environment set. The first column must contain lines indexes of a Combination matrix.
Wind turbine properties: These properties are used to define the HAWT properties and how data is exchanged between the solver and the controller
Any number of types can be defined, provided they have unique names. Within the grouping system above, any model component can be assigned any type.
New type items can be added by right clicking the folder name. A menu bar item under the Model menu is also available. The set of types you wish to use in your model must be defined so that you can then select them to be applied within each model component definition (e.g. lines).
Each new type is given a default name based on its type, but the name can be edited by right-clicking on the name and choosing 'rename' from the context menu that appears.
Types can be deleted and copied (duplicated) in the same way.