Home > Model Components > Floaters > General Data
General data
These basic data can be defined from the top part of the Edit floater panel.
Name of the floating unit: Enter the name of the Floater component.
FU Reference point in global frame : Enter the three XYZ coordinates of the reference point, expressed in the global reference frame. These coordinates will determine the position of the Floater component. The reference point then serves as the origin for the local coordinates system linked with the Floater. The local coordinates system is based on the following conventions :
1. X = 0 corresponds to the geometrical center (mid-length). X is positive to bow.
2. Y = 0 correspond to the geometrical center (mid-width). Y is positive to port.
3. The Z coordinate defines the elevation of the origin of the local coordinates system with respect to the sea level. Z is positive upwards. Z = 0 means that the origin of the local coordinates system is at the sea level
note: The Z coordinate does not affect at all the way your floater will display in the 3D view window (no vertical offset) which is imposed by the draught defined in the Drawing tab.
It is recommended that the Z-coordinate of the Floater reference point is located at the keel level recorded at mid-ship. This provides simple reference to work with, which helps setting easily the position of the fairleads and hang-off points, as well as the position of the centre of motion (which is to be defined in the Floater motion type associated to the Floater component).
- Heading/Ox : Enter the heading of the Floater local X-axis relative to the global X-axis in the model. The local X-axis is positive to bow. Heading values are counted positive from the global X-axis toward the global Y-axis.