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Home > Model Components > Floaters > Drawing


The drawing tab controls how your floater will display in the 3D view window.

The color can be selected among the panel of predefined colors or may alternatively be tuned by clicking the More custom colors button.

, The geometry of standard floaters* such as FPSO, CALM buoy, Semisub, SPAR, Drill Ship and Drill Semi is controlled by a number of self explanatory parameters detailed in the next table.

Floater type Drawing Geometrical parameters
FPSO - Length
- Width
- Height
- Draft
- Moonpool Length
- Moonpool Width
CALM buoy - Diameter
- Diameter moonpool
- Diameter skirt
- Height of the moonpool
- Height of the skirt
- Distance skirt/bottom of the Buoy
- CALM Buoy draft
Semi Sub - Column Diameter
- Column Height
- Distance axis X
- Distance axis Y
- Deck Length
- Deck Width
- Deck Height
- Bridge Height
- Bridge Width
- Semisub draft
SPAR - Column Diameter
- Column Height
- Deck Width
- Deck Length
- Deck Height
- SPAR draft
Drill Ship - Same as FPSO +
- Drill floor heigh above keel
- Derrick height
- Moonpool X and Y position
- Derrick bottom width
- Derrick top width
Drill Semi - Same as Semi + Drill floor height above keel
- Moonpool X and Y positions
- Moonpool width
- Moonpool length
- Derrick bottom width
- Derrick top width
- Derrick height

The geometry of generic floaters must be explicitly defined as a meshed surface, that is read from a simple text file. You just have to type in the address for the file or browse it. Click here for more details about the file format.


The type of drawing has no impact on the calculation, unless a generic floater is used and the non-linear hydrostatic forces option is activated in the Floater motion type. Modifying the draft from the Drawing tab would for instance have a visible effect on the drawing, but in case the reference coordinates system and/or the position of fair-leads is not changed, no change would occur in the input data for the FE engine.