Home > Model Components > Equipments > Connections
Equipment connections
Two points must be defined in the section Connection points of the main window:
The first primary point which is named Top by default,
The second primary point which is named Bottom by default.
For each point, the name of the node may be changed. Similarly the coordinates may be changed provided that the drop-down menu State Linked to is positioned on Free or Anchored.
These latter menus allow to select any existing object from your model to connect the equipment. Once the object is selected, you must specify a connection point using the Attach point drop-down menu. Finally, you must define the boundary condition that will apply at that connection, using the Connection menu : pin, clamp, flexjoint, spring and user-defined boundary conditions types are available.
Once one of the connection points is specified, the coordinates of the second connection point will be completely determined based on the equipment length and the Euler angles; The coordinates of the second connection point are automatically computed by the GUI.
In case a connection point is linked to an object (Sea & Ground, or a line for example) and the second point is then linked to another object, a warning message would display should there be an inconstancy between the object length, its orientation and the coordinates of the connection points. The warning message is as follows : WARNING: The distance between two connection points is not equal to the height of the equipment.
The simplest way to avoid possible inconsistencies is to proceed as follows :
place the equipment at its actual position (on a deck or on the seabed for example) or its static equilibrium position (derived from a preliminary analysis).
link the other objects to the equipment rather than linking the equipment to the objects.
By default the coordinates and names of the connection points are consistent with the equipment length (which is derived from the height specified from the Drawing tab) and the three Euler angles. The Z coordinate of the Top connection point is normally greater than that of the Bottom connection point, since the three Euler angles defaults are zero. However changing PSI from 0 to 180 degrees would turn the equipment upside-down and the Z coordinate of the Bottom point would become greater than that of the Top point.