Home > Model Components > Equipments
Several custom components may be included into your model to model usual riser equipment devices, as follows :
LMRP: Lower Marine Riser Package, assembly of a riser adapter, flex joint (or ball joint), possibly one or several annular BOPs, control pods and a hydraulic connector linking the riser system to the BOP stack.
BOP: Blow Out Preventer, device attached immediately above the wellhead, which can be closed to shut in the well.
Wellhead: The system of spools, valves and assorted adapters that provide pressure control of a production well.
X-mas tree: Christmas tree, assembly of valves and fitting located at the head of a well to control the flow of oil.
Each equipment object is characterized by a number of data, which can be split as follows.
General data: to specify the name of your equipment, its orientation and connection points coordinates, and whether the equipment is free or linked with another object from your model.
Drawing: to define all the geometrical parameters used to display the equipment in the 3D view window.
Properties: to define the mechanical and hydrodynamic properties of the equipment.
Fairleads points: this defines fairleads and hang-off points linked to the Equipment which can be used to connect other model components. Each fairlead and hang-off point is defined through its coordinates and built-in angle with respect to the Equipment reference point. You may create as many fairleads and hang-off points as desired.
Despite the "fairlead" and "hang-off" terms are generally used to refer to mooring lines connection and riser connection, this does not make any difference there. These points could be thought of as general purpose connection points to which any model component can be linked to.