Home > Model Components > Environments Sets > Turbine Components
Turbine components
The Turbines tab defines a list of individual turbines that may be used to define combined environments from the Combination matrix tab.
The Turbines tab includes the following items:
Number of turbines: The number of turbines components must be set with the spin box located in the upper leftcorner of the tab. You may either use the up/down arrows to setup the number of turbines, or input any value using your keyboard and then pressing the ENTER key. Pressing the ENTER key confirms the number of individual components to be included and generates the main turbine data table with the appropriate number of rows.
Insert new turbine: Pressing this button inserts a new row in the turbines data table.
Remove selected turbines: Pressing this button deletes the selected rows from the turbines data table.
Turbines data table: This table is used to define the turbine data. This table includes 7 columns, as follows:
Name: This assigns names that will be used to refer to the Turbines components in the Combination matrix tab.
Hawt: Used to select the HAWT included in the Turbine component. Each cell in this column contains a drop-down list filled in with the names of all HAWTs components available in the model.
Start Up: Reference to a displacement loading of Control sub displacement kind and Turbine startup sub type. This is an optional parameter.
Start Up var table: Reference to a 3 columns variation table, this parameter supersedes the above Start Up parameter. This is an optional parameter.
Yaw: Reference to a displacement loading of Control sub displacement kind and Z Rotation sub type. This is an optional parameter. Yaw angle must be between -180° and 180°.
Yaw var table: Reference to a 2 columns variation table, this parameter supersedes the above Yaw parameter. This is an optional parameter.
Control mode: Reference to a control mode type. This is an optional parameter.
Control options: Reference to a control dll option type. This is an optional parameter.
Aerodynamic solver options: Reference to an Aero solver option type. This is an optional parameter.
For the Control mode , Control options and Aerodynamic solver options parameters, a Default choice is available and allows to use the corresponding data defined in the HAWT itself.
An example of Turbines tab is shown below: