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Home > List of Keywords > *TDP


Data format:

One line with 4 values


Status :


Purpose :

To automatically generate results files at the TDP

Restriction :

NBFILE must be greater or equal than 2.

TBEGIN must lie between TINI and TFIN (parameters of the *DYNAMIC keyword). If TEND is greater than TFIN, no warning will appear but the total number of created files will be less than NBFILE

Details :

Parameter Description
TBEGIN first time of the time range for TDP files
TEND last time of the time range for TDP files
NBFILE number of file which will be generated.
ZONELENGHT length of the zone where 10 control points will be distributed around the static TDP position.

Distribution of the control point on the riser


Control points will be distributed according to the static TDP position. During quasi-static or dynamic calculation, its curvilinear abscissa are fixed along the riser.

For each riser i (where i is the group number of the riser):

During quasi-static calculation, a file named qs_i.dat is created. It contains data evolution at the TDP (writing for TECPLOT software). For each line parameters are:

Step : number of the quasi-static step X_TDP : X Position of the TDP Y_TDP : Y Position of the TDP Z_TDP : Z Position of the TDP Abscurv : Curvilinear abscissa of the TDP Te : Effective tension at the TDP Ttw : True tension at the TDP Vit : Velocity of the riser at the TDP C : Wave velocity at the TDP defined by \(\sqrt{\frac{Te}{(m + m_a)}}\), where m is the mass of the riser an ma is the added mass. Cb : Curvature at the TDP

  • At the end of the quasi-static calculation, a file named tdp_area.dat is created. It contains the summary of values relating to the TDP, control points and max of curvature.

During dynamic calculation:

A file named TDP_i.dat is created. It contains the time evolution of the same parameters as qs_i.dat (in TECPLOT format).

A file named curv_i.dat is created. It contains the time evolution of the location (and its value) of the maximum of curvature of the riser (in TECPLOT format).

10 files named TDP_i-[1;10].dat are created. Each file contains the time evolution of the same parameters as qs_i.dat but relating to the control points (in TECPLOT format).

NBFILE files named TDPi_kkk.datare created. Each file contains mesh of the riser in TECPLOT format.