Home > List of Keywords > *SUPERPRO
Data format:
One line followed by an arbitrary number of additional lines
IPRO Nbseg
Lseg(1) Wseg_dry(1) Wseg_wet(1) ES(1) NBVALA(1) e1 Force1 ... eNBVALA ForceNBVALA
Lseg(Nbseg) Wseg_dry(Nbseg) Wseg_wet(Nbseg) ES(Nbseg) NBVALA(Nbseg) e1 Force1 ... eNBVALA ForceNBVALA
Status :
Mandatory when super elements are used
Purpose :
To define mechanical and geometrical properties of a set of super elements
Details :
First line :
Parameter | Description |
IIPRO | identification number of the following set of properties |
Nbseg | Number of segment composing the super element |
One line for each segment :
Parameter | Description |
Lseg(i) | Length (m) |
Wseg_dry(i) | Linear dry weight (N/m) |
Wseg_wet(i) | Linear wet weight (N/m) |
ES(i) | Axial stiffness (N). If ES is varying with the axial strain, ES should be set to zero and the oher parmaeters should be entered. |
NBVALA(i) | = 0 if ES(i) 0 = number of couples (e,Force) defining a multi-linear axial stiffness behavior |
e(i,NB) | Nbth strain value of the curve defining the axial stiffness variation of the ith segment |
Force(i,NB) | Nbth tension value of curve defining the axial stiffness variation of the ith segment |