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Home > List of Keywords > *SUPERPRO


Data format:

One line followed by an arbitrary number of additional lines

IPRO Nbseg

Lseg(1) Wseg_dry(1) Wseg_wet(1) ES(1) NBVALA(1) e1 Force1 ... eNBVALA ForceNBVALA
Lseg(Nbseg) Wseg_dry(Nbseg) Wseg_wet(Nbseg) ES(Nbseg) NBVALA(Nbseg) e1 Force1 ... eNBVALA ForceNBVALA

Status :

Mandatory when super elements are used

Purpose :

To define mechanical and geometrical properties of a set of super elements

Details :

First line :

Parameter Description
IIPRO identification number of the following set of properties
Nbseg Number of segment composing the super element

One line for each segment :

Parameter Description
Lseg(i) Length (m)
Wseg_dry(i) Linear dry weight (N/m)
Wseg_wet(i) Linear wet weight (N/m)
ES(i) Axial stiffness (N). If ES is varying with the axial strain, ES should be set to zero and the oher parmaeters should be entered.
NBVALA(i) = 0 if ES(i) 0
= number of couples (e,Force) defining a multi-linear axial stiffness behavior
e(i,NB) Nbth strain value of the curve defining the axial stiffness variation of the ith segment
Force(i,NB) Nbth tension value of curve defining the axial stiffness variation of the ith segment