Home > List of Keywords > *SAVEACC
Data format:
One or several lines with 3 parameters each, as follows:
Status :
Purpose :
Adding the *SAVEACC keywords creates a text file containing acceleration of a node.
Details :
Parameter | Description |
INO | Node number at which the wave characteristics are computed. If INO==0, a constant reference position is used given by its global coordinates. |
IFR | 0 : Acceleration in global frame; 1 : Acceleration in node's local frame |
IANG | 0 : Rotational acceleration in rad/s2; 1 : Rotational acceleration in /s2 |
Several lines can be entered. Each line leads to a file Acceg_000000.dat (the number is the line number) for global acceleration request and Accel_000000.dat for local acceleration request. Each file has7 columns :
Acce. X(m/s2);
Acce .Y(m/s2);
Acce. RX( rad/s2 or /s2 );
Acce. RY ( rad/s2 or /s2 );
Acce. RZ ( rad/s2 or /s2 )