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Home > List of Keywords > *RESTART


Data format:

A single line with one value


Status :


Purpose :

To restart calculations from the results of a previous run

Details :

Parameter Description
FILIDENT complete name of the database file with its path.
-FILNAM.EXT is the database file. This file is a binary database file created by a previous run of DeepLines with the input file FILNAM.LOG.
-PATH : path of the input file FILNAM.LOG
- EXT : extension of the database file
- EXT = "DTBS" : calculations are resumed with the results of a quasi-static step
- EXT = "DTB" : calculations are resumed with the results of a dynamic time step
- If EXT="DTBS", ITSTART is read as the integer ISTART
- The calculations will be resumed with the converged positions at the quasi-static step ISTART
- If EXT="DTB", ITSTART is read as the real number TSTART
- The calculations will be resumed with the positions, speeds and accelerations of the last converged time step lower than TSTART

Notes :

The new requested analysis must be based on another input file name than FILNAM.LOG otherwise the needed database files are erased at the beginning of the run.

If a new quasi-static analysis is required, it will be starting at ISTEP = 0 with the positions defined by FILIDENT and ITSTART.

If an new dynamic analysis is required, it will be starting at T=TINI (see *DYNAMIC) with the positions defined by FILIDENT and ITSTART. If TINI and TSTART are different, this may generate a serious discontinuity in the dynamic analysis.

Before restarting an analysis it is possible to change some parameters of the problem such as the boundary conditions, the elements properties or the convergence criteria... Yet in any case the number of nodes must be the same.

If these changes are important the convergence may be difficult.