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Data format :

One line with 9 values followed by a second line with 4 values and a third line with N values, as follows:

IEL(1) IEL(2) ... IEL(N)

Status :


Purpose :

To process analysis results directly using the FE solver. If in the .log file when calculations are launched, the post-processing is performed at the end of the simulation. It can also be added to the .log file after the end of the simulation. In that case DeepLines must be launched in command line as "deeplines.exe analysis.log -sout", analysis.log was run and then modified by adding the *POSTPROC keyword.


Launching on the updated analysis.log without the -sout option will rerun the whole analysis.

Details :

Parameter Description
ISTDYN =0 Static or Quasi-static request (TYP2 = QS)
=1 Time domain request (TYP2 = TD)
ICURV =1 : Displacements (TYP = DIS)
=2 : Forces (TYP = TEFF)
=3 : Strain/Curvature (TYP = CURV)
=4 : Angle (TYP = ANG)
=5 : Built-in angle (TYP = BANG)
=6 : Additionnal Request (TYP = SWEL)
=7 : output blade In Plane and Out-Of-Plane deflection
ICH1 Code used to specify the type of outputs. See codes in the next tables.
ICH2 Code used to specify the type of outputs. See codes in the next tables.
NODE_REF Node of the element to be used for kinematic post-treatment (0: first node of the element, 1: last node of the element)
NODE_BA Reference node for built-in angle calculation used if ICURV = 5
LA1 LA1 (optional): X-coordinate of the lever arm if ICURV = 6 (0 by default)
LA2 LA3 (optional): Y-coordinate of the lever arm if ICURV = 6 (0 by default)
LA3 LA3 (optional): Z-coordinate of the lever arm if ICURV = 6 (0 by default)
DEB DEB: initial time or step to write the requested output RAMPT if ISTDYN = 1 and DEB < 0
FIN FIN: final time or step to write the requested output = TFIN if ISTDYN = 1 and FIN = 0
ICSV ICSV (optional): flag for the output file format
= 0, text format without header and footer
= 1, csv format with header and footer
IANG IANG (optional): flag the unit of angles and rotations
= 0, angles and rotations are expressed in radians in the output file
= 1, angles and rotations are expressed in degrees in the output file
IFI IFI (optional): flag for outputs filename
= 0, filename includes analysis name
= 1, filename does not include analysis name
IEL(1) ... IEL(N) List of elements for which the results have to be calculated (if ICURV=7, it is the blade group number)

The next tables detail the codes to be used for ICH1 and ICH2 parameters function of the selected output.

Selected Output ICURV ICH1 ICH2
X-position 1 1 1
Y-position 1 1 2
Z-position 1 1 3
Pseudo rotation around X 1 1 4
Pseudo rotation around Y 1 1 5
Pseudo rotation around Z 1 1 6
Absolute XYZ-position 1 1 7
Absolute theta 1 1 8
Roll 1 1 9
Pitch 1 1 10
Yaw 1 1 11
X-Displacement 1 2 1
Y-Displacement 1 2 2
Z-Displacement 1 2 3
Pseudo displacement around X 1 2 4
Pseudo displacement around Y 1 2 5
Pseudo displacement around Z 1 2 6
Absolute displacement 1 2 7
Absolute rotation motion 1 2 8
Surge 1 2 9
Sway 1 2 10
Heave 1 2 11
X-Velocity 1 3 1
Y-Velocity 1 3 2
Z-Velocity 1 3 3
Velocity around X 1 3 4
Velocity around Y 1 3 5
Velocity around Z 1 3 6
Absolute Velocity 1 3 7
Amplitude rotation velocity 1 3 8
X-Acceleration 1 4 1
Y-Acceleration 1 4 2
Z-Acceleration 1 4 3
Acceleration around X 1 4 4
Acceleration around Y 1 4 5
Acceleration around Z 1 4 6
Absolute Acceleration 1 4 7
Amplitude rotation Acceleration 1 4 8
Z-(Gravity-acceleration) 1 4 9
X-position (local frame) 1 5 1
Y-position (local frame) 1 5 2
Z-position (local frame) 1 5 3
X-Velocity (local frame) 1 6 1
Y-Velocity (local frame) 1 6 2
Z-Velocity (local frame) 1 6 3
Velocity around X (local frame) 1 6 4
Velocity around Y (local frame) 1 6 5
Velocity around Z (local frame) 1 6 6
X-Acceleration (local frame) 1 7 1
Y-Acceleration (local frame) 1 7 2
Z-Acceleration (local frame) 1 7 3
Acceleration around X (local frame) 1 7 4
Acceleration around Y (local frame) 1 7 5
Acceleration around Z (local frame) 1 7 6
X-(Gravity-Acceleration) (local frame) 1 7 7
Y-(Gravity-Acceleration) (local frame) 1 7 8
Z-(Gravity-Acceleration) (local frame) 1 7 9
Selected Output ICURV ICH1 ICH2
Effective tension 2 1 1
Absolute bending moment 2 2 1
Torsion moment 2 3 1
Absolute Shear force 2 4 1
Global force on X 2 5 1
Global force on Y 2 5 2
Global force on Z 2 5 3
Shear force on local axis x 2 6 1
Shear force on local axis y 2 6 2
True tension on local axis z 2 6 3
Global moment on X 2 7 1
Global moment on Y 2 7 2
Global moment on Z 2 7 3
Bending moment on local axis x 2 8 1
Bending moment on local axis y 2 8 2
Torsion moment on local axis z 2 8 3
Internal pressure 2 9 1
External Pressure 2 9 2
Selected Output ICURV ICH1 ICH2
Axial strain 3 1 1
Absolute curvature 3 2 1
Torsion 3 3 1
Absolute Shear strain 3 4 1
Global strain on X 3 5 1
Global strain on Y 3 5 2
Global strain on Z 3 5 3
Shear strain on local axis x 3 6 1
Shear strain on local axis y 3 6 2
Strain on local axis z 3 6 3
Global curvature on X 3 7 1
Global curvature on Y 3 7 2
Global curvature on Z 3 7 3
Bending curvature on local axis x 3 8 1
Bending curvature on local axis y 3 8 2
Bending curvature on local axis Z 3 8 3
Selected Output ICURV ICH1 ICH2
Absolute built-in angle 5 1 1
Built-in angle around X (Global frame) 5 1 2
Built-in angle around Y (Global frame) 5 1 3
Z-proj built-in angle (Global frame) 5 1 4
Selected Output ICURV ICH1 ICH2
Relative position wrt. Wave elevation 6 0 -
3 Positions + 3 Pseudo Rotations 6 1 0
X-Position 6 1 1
Y-Position 6 1 2
Z-Position 6 1 3
Pseudo rotation around X 6 1 4
Pseudo rotation around Y 6 1 5
Pseudo rotation around Z 6 1 6
Absolute Position 6 1 7
Absolute Rotation 6 1 8
3 Disp + 3 Pseudo Disp. 6 2 0
X-Displacement 6 2 1
Y-Displacement 6 2 2
Z-Displacement 6 2 3
Pseudo Disp. around X 6 2 4
Pseudo Disp. around Y 6 2 5
Pseudo Disp. around Z 6 2 6
Absolute Disp 6 2 7
Absolute Pseudo disp 6 2 8
3 Velocities + 3 Rotation Velocities 6 3 0
X-Velocity 6 3 1
Y-Velocity 6 3 2
Z-Velocity 6 3 3
Rotation Velocity around X 6 3 4
Rotation Velocity around Y 6 3 5
Rotation Velocity around Z 6 3 6
Amplitude velocity 6 3 7
Amplitude rotation velocity 6 3 8
3 Acc. + 3 Rotation Acc. 6 4 0
X-Acceleration 6 4 1
Y-Acceleration 6 4 2
Z-Acceleration 6 4 3
Rotation Acceleration around X 6 4 4
Rotation Acceleration around Y 6 4 5
Rotation Acceleration around Z 6 4 6
Amplitude Acceleration 6 4 7
Amplitude rotation Acceleration 6 4 8
Z-(gravity-acceleration) 6 4 9
X-Velocity (local frame) 6 5 1
Y-Velocity (local frame) 6 5 2
Z-Velocity (local frame) 6 5 3
X-Velocity (local frame) 6 6 1
Y-Velocity (local frame) 6 6 2
Z-Velocity (local frame) 6 6 3
X-Acceleration (local frame) 6 7 1
Y-Acceleration (local frame) 6 7 2
Z-Acceleration (local frame) 6 7 3
X-(Gravity-Acceleration) (local frame) 6 7 4
Y-(Gravity-Acceleration) (local frame) 6 7 5
Z-(Gravity-Acceleration) (local frame) 6 7 6

Restrictions :

The selected elements must be previously defined.

Example :

*POSTPROC 1 2 1 1 0 0 -1 0 1 0 1

The resulting file is a csv format file named Analysis_Name _TEFF_1_1_TD_el1_NODE_REF_from_time_RAMPs_to_tfins.txt

it contains the time evolution of effective tension for element 1 between the wave ramp time and the end of the dynamic calculation.

0 5 1 1 0 1508
0 15 0 0

The resulting file is a txt format file named: Analysis_Name _BANG_1_1_QS_el1_NODE_REF_from_step_0_to_step_15.txt.

It contains the step evolution of the absolute built-in angle for element 1 from step 0 to step 15. The angle is expressed in radians.