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Home > List of Keywords > *PLIFT


Data format:

An arbitrary number of cards with 4 values each


Status :


Purpose :

To define local lift coefficients

Restrictions :

The node IP and table ITABLE must have been previously defined. The total number of nodes where drag and lift coefficients are introduced may not exceed MAXBOU which is a version dependent parameter.

Details :

Parameter Description
IP Identification number of the node where the coefficient has to be applied
COEF Lift coefficient ( factor of \(\|UH\|^2\) for the calculation of the local drag force , where \(UH\) is the relative fluid velocity projected on the horizontal plane ).
ITABLE Reference table for the possible fluid velocity dependence description of the lift coefficient COEF. For constant lift coefficient set ITABLE=0 and VECH is ignored
VECH Velocity step of the description table ITABLE (see note)


  • For a velocity ( (I-1)*VECH < < I*VECH ) the lift force applied to node IP will be interpolated between COEF * TABLE(I-1,ITABLE) and COEF * TABLE(I,ITABLE)

If COEF is positive the lift force is directed upwards.

  • Lift forces are defined only in global axis