Home > List of Keywords > *OUTSTRAIN
Data format:
A single line with up to 20 values
IEL_1 ... IEL_N
Status :
Purpose :
To automatically generate statistics on certain results relative to the specified elements.
Details :
Parameter | Description |
IEL_1 ... IEL_N | List of elements which results have to be calculated |
Notes :
Strains have no dimension and curvatures are in 1/m
The file FILENAM.pod is generated and the corresponding post-processing can be launched with the following command line :
podeepV3R2.exe FILENAM.pod FILENAM.pod OR podeepV3R2.exe FILENAM.pod
In any case, the statistical results will be written in the file FILENAM.RES.
With the first command line, the corresponding times series will also be stored in different files with a explicit name :
- FILNAMdefoaxi_elIEL1.txt : axial strain at origin of element IEL1
- FILNAMdefoben_elIEL1.txt : curvature at origin of element IEL1
- FILNAMdefotor_elIEL1.txt : torsion curvature at origin of element IEL1
- FILNAMdefeaxi_elIEL1.txt : axial strain at end of element IEL1
- FILNAMdefeben_elIEL1.txt : curvature at end of element IEL1
- FILNAMdefetor_elIEL1.txt : torsion curvature at end of element IEL1
For the command line to be understood by the system, your environmental variable PATH must include the path to the executable podeepv3R2.exe.