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Data format:

Two lines with 2 parameters each followed by one line with 9 parameters

RefSpeed KP KD KI CornerFreq PC_DT MaxTorque MaxTorqueRate Tend ITAB Tcont

Status :


Restriction :

The controlled node identified by INOD and the reaction node for the control identified by INOREAC must have been previously defined.

Purpose :

To prescribe a rotational velocity to a wind turbine through a moment controlled by a proportionalintegralderivative controller.

Details :

Parameter Description
INOD Identification number of the controlled node
XX This parameter must be set to zero (load control)
INOREAC Identification number of the reaction node for the control
YY This parameter must be set to zero
RefSpeed Target rotational velocity (rad/s) in Z local frame of the node
KP Proportional term ( N.m / (rad/s) )
KD Derivative term ( N.m / (rad/s^2) )
KI Integral term ( N.m / rad )
CornerFreq Corner frequency (Hz)
PC_DT PID time step (s)
MaxTorque Maximum applied torque (N.m)
MaxTorqueRate Maximum torque rate (N.m/s)
Tend Time above which the torque is cancelled (s)
ITAB ID number of a table defined by *TABLEMCOL with 2 columns providing the target velocity as a function of time. If non zero, it supersedes the RefSpeed parameter
Tcont Time to end the PID control (s); used to start a turbine with PID and let the turbine controller take over after Tend