Home > List of Keywords > *NODECONT,NAME=NODE
Data format:
One line with 2 parameters followed by two lines with one parameter each.
Status :
Restriction :
For dynamic analyses only.
Purpose :
To impose a motion or a displacement on a node
Details :
Parameter | Description |
INOD | Node of the low shaft linked to the drive train. |
ITYP | Type of control : 0 force; 1 :displacement |
DLLFileName | DLL file name |
DLLProcName | DLL procedure name |
Procedure in the DLL exchanges the following information with DeepLines at the beginning of each timestep : (vec, pos, vit, acce, t, dt) where
vec is a double precision real vector of length 6. The procedure provides displacement or force to be applied on the 6 degrees of freedom
pos is a double precision real vector of length 6. DeepLines provides the position of the six degrees of freedom of the node
vit is a double precision real vector of length 6. DeepLines provides the velocity of the six degrees of freedom of the node
acce is a double precision real vector of length 6. DeepLines provides the acceleration of the six degrees of freedom of the node
t : time provided by DeepLines
dt: timestep provided by DeepLines