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Home > List of Keywords > *MVSURVEY


Data format:

A single line with 8 values:

INOD_FPF Lini Vx Vy Vz Rgyr AngGyr Tgyr

Status :

Optional (dynamics)

Purpose : To prescribe a survey type motion that means a constant speed motion combined with a change of direction to keep on new direction with the same velovity.

Details :

Parameter Description
INOD_FPF identification number of floater's node
(must have been previously defined)
LINI Initial straight line motion
(Vx, Vy, Vz) velocity vector components in the global frame
Rgyr gyration radius to define the change of direction
AngGyr Angle of gyration
Tgyr (Optional) Beginning time for gyration


The figure below illustrates the following paramters of *MVSURVEY

INOD 100 1.0 0.0 0.0 100 180 0

The initial velocity of 1m/s along X axis is kept constant over 100 meters, then a U-turn is ocnducted with a radius of 100m.

Finally, the floater is moving along -X at 1m/s.