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Home > List of Keywords > *KINOPTION


Data format:

A single line comprising 1 parameter followed by an arbitrary number of parameters, as follows:


Status :


Restriction :

Groups of elements IG(1), IGR(2), ... IGR(N) must have been previously defined.

Purpose :

To specify calculation settings for wave kinematics along groups of elements.


Parameter Description
IOPTION =0: Wave kinematics is calculated as usual for the groups of elements listed next to the parameter.
=1: Wave kinematics is calculated considering optimized routines, but no variation of depth is expected along the group of elements listed next to the parameter.
=2: Wave kinematics is calculated considering optimized routines along the group of elements listed next to the parameter. The wave kinematics optimization is made and the wave number is adjusted with the actual depth of each element at the end of the static analysis.
=3: Only with stream function . As for IOPTION=2 wave kinematics is calculated considering optimized routines along the group of elements listed next to the parameter. The wave kinematics optimization is made and the wave number is adjusted with the actual depth of each element at the end of the static analysis. But with IOPTION=3, the wave height is adapted such that is is at most equal to BREAK_RATIO * SAFETY_FACTWATER_DEPTH. By Default BREAK_RATIO = 0.78 and SAFETY_FACT=0.89. These parameters can be modified with KINOPTADD
IGR(1) Identification number of the first group of elements.
IGR(2) Identification number of the second group of elements.
IGR(N) Identification number of the Nth group of elements.


Significant calculation time savings is expected by calculating the fluid kinematics at the beginning of a time step, storing the values and keeping them constant in the Newton Rapshon algorithm until convergence is reached.

The fluid kinematic storage is done in a structure based on the group number. For a given group, it is easy to get access to the number of elements belonging to this group; the elements are sorted from one end to another and there is a direct link between the order of an element in the group and its identification number.

If IGR(1)=0, all groups of the analysis are considered selected