Home > List of Keywords > *INCLOAD
Data format:
An arbitrary number of lines with 5 values each :
Status :
Purpose :
To define incremental loading of some dofs (for quasi- static analysis)
Restriction :
The number of incremental loads is limited to MAXLIE which is version dependent
Details :
Parameter | Description |
INOD | Identification number of the concerned node. |
IDIR | Index for the direction of the applied force n the co-ordinate system IREF \((\vec{u}_1, \vec{u}_2, \vec{u}_3)\) : 1 - force, 4 - moment along \(\vec{u}_1\) 2 - force, 5 - moment along \(\vec{u}_2\) 3 - force, 6 - moment along \(\vec{u}_3\) |
FORCE | Amplitude of the load. |
ITABLE | Reference table for the increments of this load. At load step I , the load on node INOD will be the resultant of the static load (if any, defined by PLOAD) and FORCETABLE(I,ITABLE). |
IREF | Reference number of the co-ordinate system \((\vec{u}_1, \vec{u}_2, \vec{u}_3)\) defined with BCREFGLO or BCREFLOC default = 0 : global co-ordinate system \((\vec{e}_1, \vec{e}_2, \vec{e}_3)\) |
- The couple INOD,IDIR must refer to an existing dof.
- The table ITABLE must have been previously defined with the keyword *TABLE .
Example : *INCLOAD
16 3 80000. 1
At node 16, a force of 80000 N will be applied in the positive Z direction according to table 1.