Home > List of Keywords > *INCDX
Data format:
An arbitrary number of lines with 4 values each:
Status :
Purpose :
To define incremental displacements of some nodes (for quasi-static analysis)
Restriction :
The number of dofs with incremental displacements is limited to MAXLIE (version dependent)
Details :
Parameter | Description |
INOD | Identification number of the node concerned |
IDIR | Index for the direction of the applied motion : 1. X translation, 4 - X rotation 2. Y translation, 5 - Y rotation 3. Z translation, 6 - Z rotation |
XMOD | Amplitude of the displacement |
ITABLE | Reference table for the displacement increments. At load step I , the position of dof number IDIR of node INOD will be defined by its initial value + XMOD*TABLE(I,ITABLE) |
The couple INOD,IDIR must refer to a previously defined dof with code 1 (see keyword *NODES , value of IDOF).
The table ITABLE must have been previously defined with keyword *TABLE .
Rotations in degrees.
Example :
1 2 10 1
Node 1 will move 10 m along the Y-axis according to table 1. The node must be defined in *NODES by 1x1xxxx....
This keyword is very useful to bring something to a given position when this one cannot be obtained directly. For example
1 5 45 2
will force tnode 1 to rotate around the Y-axis with an angle of 45 degrees, according to table 2.