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Home > List of Keywords > *GROUNDPROP


Data format:

A single line comprising 2*NBL + 2 parameters (where NBL is the number of soil layers defined in *GROUNDEPTH, as follows:

IY(1) IZ(1) iIY(2) IZ(2) ... IY(NBL) IZ(NBL) iktso IDRE

Status :


Restriction :

A keyword GROUNDEPTH must be previously defined as well as PYCURVE (for ID number) and *TZCURVE (for ID number).

Purpose :

To link soil properties with soil depth. This keywords allows allocating series of (PY,TZ) curves to each soil layer. The values of the depths are defined in *GROUNDEPTH. For each depth, the PYCURVE AND TZCURVE ID number is entered.


Parameter Description
IY(1) Identification number of the PY curve of the 1st soil layer
IZ(1) Identification number of the TZ curve of the 1st soil layer
IY(NBL) Identification number of the PY curve of the NBLth soil layer
IZ(NBL) Identification number of the TZ curve of the NBLth soil layer
IKTSO Slope of the friction force with respect to the displacement (used for the Tz curves, 1E8 used by default)
IDRE IDRE = 0 (default) : The force of the soil on the structure in dynamic is the sum of the static and dynamic contribution
IDRE = 1 : The force of the soil on the structure in dynamic is only the dynamic contribution (the structure is therefore considered at equilibrium with the soil at the end of the static analysis)
IDRE = 2 : The force of the soil is based on total displacement and only the static curve is used (in both static and dynamic)
IDRE = 3 : The force of the soil is based on total displacement and only the dynamic curve is used (in both static and dynamic)