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Data format:

Five lines followed by a number of lines based on the values of the parameters in the fifth line:

I_1 ... I_NNO
P_1(1) P_1(2) P_1(3) P_1(4) P_1(5) P_1(6)

Status :


Restriction :

For dynamic analyses only.

Purpose :

To define loads on a set of nodes updated at every time step from a .dll file. The .dll is called at every iteration of every time step and the loads are then updated by the user. The three matrices are used to help convergence.

Details :

Parameter Description
NNO Number of nodes
I_1 ... I_NNO List of the identification numbers of the NNO nodes
DLLFileName DLL file name
DLLProcName DLL procedure name
NDAT Number of other data provided to the .dll by DeepLines, those data are defined in the next NDAT Lines
P_i(1) Factor used to multiply the value provided by the mechanical solver (can be used to change sign or have different units)
P_i(2) Node number where the quantity is computed
p_i(3) Type of quantity (icurv)
p_i(4) Option 1 for quantity (ich1)
p_i(5) Option 2 for quantity (ich2)
p_i(6) Reference node for local frame when quantity is requested in local frame
NDINI Number of values initilaized by the user and provided to the .dll
EXT_i Value for variable i

The type quantities can be:

  • kinematic quantities

  • Reaction Loads

  • Environmental data

  • Loads in element


Procedure in the DLL exchanges the following information with DeepLines at the beginning of each timestep :

( t, dt, isize, matrot, posglo, vitnode, accnode, fnoload, stiffmat, dampmat, matmat, isizedat, extdat ) where

  • t : time when the dll is called (input to .dll)
  • dt : time step (input to .dll)
  • isize (=NNO): Number of nodes provided to the .dll (input to .dll)
  • matrot(9x isize ) : rotation matrix of the nodes, first line from 1 to 3, second line from 4 to 6 and third line from 7 to 9 (input) for first node and so on
  • Posglo(3x isize ) : position of the nodes (for first node and so on) in the global frame (input to .dll)
  • vitnode(6x isize ) : velocity of the nodes (for first node and so on) in the global frame (input to .dll)
  • accenode(6x isize ) : acceleration of the nodes (for first node and so on) in the global frame (input to .dll)
  • fnoload(6x isize ) : loads (force and moment) in local frame of the nodes (output)
  • stiffmat(36x isize ) : stiffness matrix of the nodes, first lin e of first node from 1 to 6 then second line of first node from 7 to 12, .. (output from .dll)
  • dampmat(36x isize ) : damping matrix of the nodes, first line of first node from 1 to 6 then second line of first node from 7 to 12, .. (output from .dll)
  • matmat(36x isize ) : mass matrix of the nodes, first line of first node from 1 to 6 then second line of first node from 7 to 12, .. (output from .dll)
  • isizedat (=NDAT+NDINI): Number of data provided to the.dll by DeepLines (input to .dll)
  • extdat( isizedat ) : Values of the data computed by DeepLines (from 1 to NDAT) and values of the data prvode by the use (from NDAT+1 to NDAT+NDINI) (input to .dll)