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Home > List of Keywords > *GRCONT,NAME=GRPLOAD


Data format:

Three lines with following parameters:


Restriction :

Group must be previously defined. For dynamic analysis.

Purpose :

To load a group with lineic forces and moments

Details :

Parameter Description
IGR Group number on which the loads are applied
IOP 0 : Wind velocity provided, 1 : horizontal current velocity and diameter, 2: horizontal current + wave horizontal velocity and diameter
DLLFileName Name of the dll file
DLLProcName Name of the procedure in the .dll


The user must then provide a dll with the following exchange data: (time, isize, pos, matrot, posglo, vitnode, accnode, windv, fnoload)

The definition of the variables is:

Provided by DeepLines

  • isize : integer : number of points along the line

  • time : double precision : time at beginning of current time step

  • pos(isize) : double precision : abscissa in m of the points to be loaded along the riser (not a function of time)

  • matrot(9*isize) : double precision : rotational matrix to go from global to local coordinate, matrices are stored at each point, the first line of the matrices is stored followed by the second anf third line for the first point, then data for the second point is stored an so on

  • posglo(3*isize) : double precision : (x,y,z) position in m in DeepLines global frame at each point (converged solution at previous time step)

  • vitnode(6*isize) : double precision : translational velocities in (x,y,z) in m/s and rotational velocities in (x,y,z) in rad/s in DeepLines global frame at each point (converged solution at previous time step)

  • accnode(6*isize) : double precision : translational accelerations in (x,y,z) in m/s and rotational accelerations in (x,y,z) in rad/s in DeepLines global frame at each point (converged solution at previous time step)

  • windv(3*isize) : double precision : wind velocity in (x,y,z) in m/s in DeepLines global frame at each point (at current time step), or current velocity in (x,y) in m/s in DeepLines global frame at each point (at current time step) and hydrodynamic diameter (m), or current plus wave velocity in (x,y) in m/s in DeepLines global frame at each point (at current time step) and hydrodynamic diameter (m).

Provided by the library - fnoload(6*isize) : double precision : force per unit length in (x,y,z) in N/m and moment per unit lengh in (x,y,z)in N.m/m in DeepLines global frame at each point. This will be applied on the elements of the group during the iteration of time step time.