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Data format:

One line with twelve parameters


Status :


Restriction :

Used for dynamic analysis only

Purpose :

To impose motions to a node in time domain using an external file usually generated by a monitoring device (Motion Reference Unit)

To avoid spurious peaks often met with GMOVE2 or GMOVE3, a DFT is first perfom on the time series, then a range of periods may be defined to filter very low or high contents before the motions are regenerated for the computations.

This keyword also offers series of userfriendly options so as to avoid a pre- treatment of the input data

Details :

Parameter Description
INO Node Number
IFFT = 0 means a complete Discrete Fourier Transform is used. No other options is implemented yet.
NBTITLE number of lines at the top the file to be ignored.
ITYP Type of data to be read:
- ITYP = 0: input data are positions given in X, Y, Z, RotX, Roty, Rotz
- ITYP = 1: (equivalent to GMOVE2) input data are dynanmic displacements given in Deltasurge, Deltasway, Deltaheave, Deltaroll, Deltapitch, Deltayaw (DeepLines conventions)
- ITYP = 2: (MRU data) input data are motions given in surge, sway, heave, roll, pitch, yaw (DeepLines conventions)
- ITYP = 3: (MRU data) input data are motions given in surge, sway, heave, roll, pitch, yaw is true North (Clockwise)
YAWNORTH For ITYP=3, the Yaw in DeepLines will be derived from the YAW input data as such: YAWNORTH - Yaw (read is true North)
COEFT coefficient to be applied on translational values to convert them into meters. Default = 1.0
COEFR coefficient to be applied on rotational values to convert them into radians. Default = 1
Per_inf Lower bound period to be considered after DFT
Per_sup Upper bound period to be considered after DFT
Time (time drift) the dynamic analysis starts with motions at time = TIME in the file
NDF the input time series is split into NDF intervals to optimize DFT process (as per wave elevation external files)
Filename path and file name where input data are stored. It shall have seven columns : time(s), X, Y, Z, Rx, Ry, Rz.
- Input data may be separated by spaces " ", commas "," or comma points ";".
- The units of translations and rotations in the input file are free but parameters COEFT and COEFR must be defined accordingly to convert the input data into SI units system for the solver: translations in meters and rotations in radians.