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Home > List of Keywords > *GMOVE1


Data format:

A single line with 2 values followed by an arbitrary number of lines with 4 values each :


Status : optional (dynamics)

Purpose :

To prescribe an arbitrary time dependent motion to a node

Details :

Parameter Description
IMOU identification number of the node with prescribed motion (must have been previously defined)
DTMOU time step of the generated (equally spaced) time history table. The following lines are irregularly spaced entries into the time history table . The program will linearly interpolate between the given points (as opposite to *GMOVE where the nodal positions must be given at each DTMOU time units).
TMOU time instant
XT YT ZT offsets (for the translations) with respect to the static equilibrium position of node IMOU at time TMOU
XR YR ZR offsets (for the rotations of a master node) with respect to the static equilibrium position of node IMOU at time TMOU

Notes : - The velocities are calculated by the program using a 3 points difference formula. - During dynamic simulation a cubic interpolation formula is applied to the data from the generated table.