Home > List of Keywords > *FLOWCFD
*FLOWCFD, file = $path/filename
Data format:
One line with up to 10 parameters (the first parameter only is compulsory).
NODE X1C(1) X1C(2) X1C(3) X2C(1) X2C(2) X2C(3) X3C(1) X3C(2) X3C(3) IGRS ICFD ION ICHECK INTER
To take an external flow field into account in the calculation of the hydrodynamic loads exerted along the pipe. The flow field is again read from a file, the location of the center of the mesh with respect to the reference point is provided in the file. The keyword provide the path of the file and the reference node number.
Details :
Parameter | Description |
NODE | The box is centered on NODE and is defined by the Node frame of reference. |
X1C(1) ... X3C(3) | To define a frame of reference. The box is centered on (xc,yc,zc), and is given the orientation of the new frame (defined with respect to Nodes frame). |
IGRS | A file flowfiled.dat is created and regenarated at each time step. For group IGS, it contains for all the Gauss points along the line : time, arc lengh, position (x,y,z) in the global frame, fluid-structure velocity (vx, vy, vz) in the global frame |
ICFD | ICFD = 0 : the ramptime is not taken into account for the fluid velocity in the CFD field ICFD = 1 : the ramptime is taken into account |
ION | ION = 0 : The position of the CFD field is based on the initial position of the reference node ION = 1 : The position of the CFD field is based on the current position of the reference node |
ICHECK | INTER = 0 : If time dependant CFD files are provided, the compatibility between the files is checked (can be time-consuming) INTER = 1 : No check |
INTER | INTER = 0 : The distance between the node under consideration and the nodes in the CFD used for the interpolation of the velocity is computed in meters INTER = 1: The distance is normalized per direction by the mesh size |
The input file FILENAME used to define the flow field must be a ASCII file with the following format :
L B H ! Grid dimensions
xc yc zc ! Grid center / FU ref frame
nx ny nz ! Grid subdivision
3 ! Number of fields
U V W ! List of fields
ntot ! Total number of points
nmax ! Max number of points / box :
! loop for i =1 to nx
! loop for j =1 to ny
! loop for k =1 to nz
i j k n ! box and number of points in the box
! boucle l =1 n
x(i,j,k,l) y(i,j,k,l) z(i,j,k,l) U(i,j,k,l) V(i,j,k,l) W(i,j,k,l)