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Home > List of Keywords > *DAMPBODY


Data format:

An arbitrary number of lines comprising 4 values.


Status :


Purpose :

To define linear damping forces/moments applied to a node based on its local axes system.

Details :

Parameter Description
NODE Node to which the damping matrix is applied.
ROW Row identification of the matrix
COL Column identification of the matrix
DAMPING Damping value stored in (ROW,COL). Units of the D(6x6) damping matrix terms are as follows: Dij with i=1,3; j=1,3 : N/(m/s)
Dij with i=1,3; j=4,6 : N/(rad/s)
Dij with i=4,6; j=1,3 : N.m/(m/s)
Dij with i=4,6; j=4,6 : N.m/(rad/s)
IOVEL By default the damping force/moment is computed based on the velocity of the structure. Two other options are available.
IOVEL = 0 (Default) : velocity of the structure is used
IOVEL = 1 : the translational velocity is based on velocity of the structure minus wave velocity (rotational velocity unchanged)
IOVEL = 2 : the translational velocity is based on velocity of the structure minus wave velocity minus current velocity (rotational velocity unchanged)


if ROW is not equal to COL, the value is entered at both (ROW,COL) and (COL,ROW) since the matrix is symmetric. The matrix is defined in the local frame of the node.