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Home > List of Keywords > *CURRENT


Data format:

An arbitrary number of lines with up to 20 values each as follows. If the total number of parameters exceeds 20, use the & character as carriage return before getting to the next line.

TCUR(1) TETC(1,1),VCUR(1,1) ... TETC(1,NZCUR),(VCUR(1,NZCUR)




Defines a time dependent current profile with variable heading.


If the *CURPROF keyword does not precede this one, NZCUR will be assumed to be equal to 1 so the current is constant down the whole depth of water.

Details :

Parameter Description
TCUR(i) Time (s)
TETC(i,j) Current heading at time TCUR(i) and level ZCUR(j) in degrees from the positive x-direction (anticlockwise is positive)
VCUR(i,j) Current speed at level ZCUR(j) and time TCUR(i)
NTCUR Number of given times (Max. is 20)


  • TCUR(i) must be given in increasing order
  • TCUR(1) must be equal to 0
  • If NTCUR is equal to 1, the current is time independent

The current is linearly interpolated in time, depth and heading

If necessary the EOL symbol & may be used to write the values on several lines.


a) *CURRENT 1. & 180 1.34 180 0.9 180 0.69 180 0.62 180 0.49

The current is heading at 180 degrees, opposite to the x-direction and decreases with depth but is constant in time

b) *CURRENT 0. & 180 1.34 180 .9 180 .69 180 .62 180 .49 10. 170 1.34 170 .9 170 .69 170 .62 170 .49 20. 160 1.34 160 .9 160 .69 160 .62 160 .49

The current is a non uniform current changing its heading with time.