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Home > List of Keywords > *CDDEPTH

*CDDEPTH, file=filename

Data format:

A single line with 1 parameter, as follows:





A group must have been previously defined.


To define a drag coefficient function depth

Details :

Parameter Description
IGR Group number of the line
FILE=Filename Path and name of the data file. The data file consists of 2 columns giving the Z position relative to the sea level (Z=0) and corresponding drag coefficient (Cd). Negative Z-position values indicate location below the sea level. The first Z-position input in the file must be 0.
Z-position_1 Cd_at_Z-position_1  
Z-position_2 Cd_at_Z-position_2  
Z-position_3 Cd_at_Z-position_3  
Z-position_N Cd_at_Z-position_N