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Home > List of Keywords > *BAR


Data format:

An arbitrary number of lines with 6 values each:





To define bar elements (3 degrees of freedom per nodes).


The total number of elements (all types) may not exceed MAXEL. The nodes jo and je must have been previously defined

Details :

Parameter Description
NEL Identification number of the element
JO Origin node of the element
JE End node of the element
IPRO Index in the table of elementary mechanical and geometrical properties (previously defined by keyword *BARPRO)
IMAT Material index (previously defined by keyword *MAT)
XLO Element length. If XLO=0, the element length is taken from the corresponding properties keyword (referred by IPRO). If XL0 is still null the element length is the initial distance between the nodes composing it.


  • the element is given in an initially unstressed configuration.

  • for this reason the element presents no transverse stiffness (geometrical stiffness) at the first iteration of the static calculation. For some configuration this may lead to a singular matrix. Use a different value for the DASAT(1) term (see *CONVS) to go through the first iterations.

Examples :

c [.] [m] [kg/m] [m] [.] [.] [.] [.] [N]
1 0.0 .11107e+02 .02648 .65 1.8 0. 0. 10.
48 17 41 1 1

  • The element 48 is a bar going from node 17 to node 41 with mechanical properties given by the index 1 of BARPRO previously defined and an index material of 1 (previously defined by MAT).

  • The initial length of the bar (not defined in BARPRO) will be equal to the initial distance between nodes 17 and 34. Therefore, you have to make sure that the initial positions of the nodes given by NODES and *NODELINE correspond to the desired bar length.