Home > List of Keywords > *B2GEN
Data format:
An arbitrary number of lines with 10 values each.
To define series of binodal beam elements based on linear FE shape function (with 6 degrees of freedom by nodes).
The total number of elements (all types) may not exceed MAXEL. The nodes JO,JE and all the other nodes that will be used as extremities of the generated elements must have been previously defined.
It is a two node linear beam. Due to this linearity, the beam flexural rigidity is increased for large displacements. For flexible structures, please use *BEAM3 and *B3GEN.
Details :
Parameter | Description |
NBBEA | Number of beam elements to be generate |
NEL | Identification number of the first element |
NELI | Element number increment |
JO | Origin node of the first element |
JOI | Increment on the origin node number |
JE | End node of the first element |
JEI | Increment on the end node number |
IPRO | Index in the table of elementary mechanical and geometrical properties (previously defined by keyword *BEAMPRO) |
IMAT | Material index (previously defined by keyword *MAT) |
XLTOT | The length of each generated element is XLO = XLTOT/NBBEA. If XLO=0, the element length is taken from the corresponding properties keyword (referred by IPRO). If XL0 is still null the element length is the initial distance between the nodes composing it. |
The program will generate NBBEA elements with properties IPRO and material IMAT : El. NEL connecting nodes JO and JE El. NEL+NELI connecting nodes JO+JOI and JE+JEI ... EL. NEL + (NBBEA - 1)*NELI connecting nodes JO + (NBBEA -1)*JOI and JE + (NBBEA - 1)*JEI - the beam elements are given in an initially unstressed configuration.
Examples :
15 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
Fifteen beam elements will be generated from element 1, with an increment of one. Element 1 will start at node 1 and end at node 2. Element 2 will start at node 2 (1+1) and end at node 3 (2+1), Element 3 will start at node 3 (2+1) and end at node 4 (3+1), and so on...
These beam elements will have the mechanical properties previously defined by the index 1 of *BEAMPRO and a material index of 1 previously defined by *MAT.
2 16 23 16 24 17 24 2 1
Two beam elements will be generated from element 16 with an increment of 23. Element 16 will start at node 16 and end at node 17, Element 39 (16+23) will start at node 40 (16+24) and end at node 41 (17+24).
These beam elements will have the mechanical properties previously defined by the index 2 of *BEAMPRO and a material index of 1 previously defined by *MAT.