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Model components setup
The key model component that is generally setup first when you create a new model is the Sea&Ground component. This model component sets the global environment including sea water properties, and the seabed data. The width of the seabed shall be set large enough so you can actually model contact with the lines sections resting on the seabed.
Vessel components may then be included in your model. New Floater components can be added by clicking the Floater item in the main controls bar located in the upper part of the main window. Floater components always come with Floater motion types which define the dynamic response of the vessel to external loads such as environmental conditions and other loads due for example to Lines being connected to the vessel. Any Floater is assigned a single default Floater motion type. This default Floater motion type can be overwritten with any other Floater motion type available in your model as you setup the analyses. In the event you wish to assess the global performance of your system under various vessel drafts, you would need to create as many Floater motion types as drafts to be considered.
Each Floater includes nodes that can be used to connect other model components such as lines. The coordinates of these nodes are defined from the fairlead/hang-off points tab in the Floater component dialog.
Line components may then be included in your model. New Line components can be added by clicking the Line item in the main controls bar located in the upper part of the main window. Each line will be assigned a certain number of properties,including for instance geometric data defined in the Structure tab, default internal fluid data defined in the Internal fluid tab.
Lines are made up of sections and segments. The end nodes of any section can be linked with other model components. The simplest line shapes such as free- hanging configuration generally only require that you use a single section.
Line segments are defined through their length at rest, the number of elements, and the mechanical properties that apply. Mechanical property of the cross-section are defined through Line segment type. It is recommended that you create all Line segment types before you define the other content of the segments.
End nodes of sections can be connected to relevant model components (e.g. floater and sea&ground components).
Rigid Bodies and Buoys are other common structural components. These components are solid components that can be linked with other components and that may be assigned mechanical properties.