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  1.     Peyrot and Goulois. "Analysis of flexible transmission lines." J. of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol.104, no.ST5, p.763-779, May 79.

  2.     Peyrot and Goulois. "Analysis of cable structures." J. of Computer and Structures, Vol.10, no.5, p.805-813, Oct. 79.

  3.     Peyrot . "Static and dynamics of offshore cable and flexible pipe systems." Revue de l'Institut Français du Pétrole, Vol.35, no.5, p.833-848, Oct. 80.

  4.     Przemieniecky, "Theory of matrix structural analysis", Mc Graw Hill Ed. 68.

  5.     Fragues. "Modélisation dynamique des risers pétroliers en grands déplacements." Thèse de Doctorat, Ecole Centrale de Paris, France, 1995.

  6.     Bratu and NarzulL. "Dynamic behaviour of flexible riser." BOSS 84

  7.     Charles, Schoentgen and Taine. "Numerical study of the dynamic behaviour of a deep see mining system using hydraulic lift." OTC 5238, May 86.

  8.     Kodaissi and Narzul. "Modeling of soil/pipe interactions in flexible risers." BOSS 87. NORWAY

  9.     "Riser Instrumentation – Deep Water Drilling Campaign Results", J.C. Schawann and C. Sparks, DOT 1985.

  10.     "Ultra Deep Water Drilling Riser Design and Relative Technology", J. Guesnon et al., Oil and Gas Science and Technology, Revue de l’Institut Français du Pétrole, Special Issue, Technip Editions, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 39-57, 2002

  11.     “Comprehensive instrumentation for deepwater drilling riser”, UDET 2002 - O Vaisberg, Guesnon from IFP and P Guerin and JM Heurtier from Principia RD.

  12.     “Modelling of riser Contact-friction problem”, E. Fontaine (IFP), JM Heurtier (PRD), D. Durville (ECP), S. Toumit (CSO), Ch. Prat (BOS), OTC 2002, 14157.

  13.     "A scope of different methods to compute Wave Drift Damping in regular waves", 7th Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, C. Berhault, T. Coudray, F Villeger, 1992

  14.     "Validation of a 3D sea-keeping software", JF Leguen, T. Coudray ; Cadmo conference 1992.

  15.     "Slow Drift viscous damping of a TLP", D. Martigny, Y.M Scolan, B. Molin, Proc of OMAE conference, 1994

  16.     "Recent advances on the slow-drift damping of offshore structures", M. Le Boulluec, P. Le Buhan, X-B Chen, G. Deleuil, L. Foulhoux, B. Molin & F. Villeger

  17.     "A numerical tool for frequency and time domain analysis of the behaviour of moored or towed structures", C. Berhault, P. Le Buhan, J. Bougis, B. Molin, Conference CADMO 92.

  18.     "Approximation of the quadratic transfer function of low-frequency loads", Boss conference X-B, Chen 1994.

  19.     "On second order motion and vertical drift forces for three-dimensional bodies in regular waves", B. Molin & J.P Hairault, OMAE conference 1990.

  20.     Etienne, S., Scolan, Y.M., Molin, B., and Biolley, F. (1998) "A numerical study of complex flow around an array of circular cylinders in various arrangements", in Proceedings Hydro-elasticity in Marine Technology, Fukuoka, Japan.

  21.     Le Cunff, C., Biolley, F. and Durand, A. (1999) "Prediction of the response of a structure to vortex-induced vibrations: comparison of a modal and a wave approach", in Proceedings 18th OMAE Conference, St John’s, Canada.

  22.     ISOPE 2001 - "Numerical simulations of vortex induced vibrations of slender offshore structure," - Etienne S., Biolley, F., Fontaine, E., Le Cunff, C., and Heurtier, J.-M.

  23.     Oil and gas Science and Technology, Vol 56, 663-673 (2001) - "Vortex-induced vibrations of risers: theoretical, numerical and experimental investigation," - Le Cunff, C. Biolley F., Fontaine E., Etienne S., Facchinetti, M.

  24.     ISOPE 2001 - "Coupled dynamic response of moored FPSO with risers, "- Heurtier, Le Buhan, Fontaine, Le Cunff, Biolley, Berhault.

  25.     ISOPE 1998 - "Fully coupled dynamic analysis of rigid lines and floater behaviours in deep water," - Biolley, Heurtier, Berhault, Le Buhan, Morin.

  26.     OMAE 2002 - "Riser fatigue due to currents and waves," Le Cunff, Fontaine and Biolley.

  27.     B. Molin. Hydrodynamique des structures offshore. Edition TECHNIP, 2002.

  28.     UDET 2000 - "Fatigue of Steel Catenary Risers," - Croutelle, Ricbourg, Le Cunff, Heurtier, and Biolley.'

  29.     DOT 2003 - "Offloading Buoy Design - Methodology to assess fatigue life of export lines" - P. Le Buhan, P. Guérin, J.M. Heurtier and C. Berhault.

  30.     ISOPE 2004 - Investigations on hydrodynamic and mechanical coupling effects for deepwater offloading buoy,C. Berhault, P. Guérin, P. Le Buhan, J.M. Heurtier - PRINCIPIA R.D.

  31.     OMAE2005-67019 - "Experimental and numerical study of heave-induced lateral motion (HILM)" - C. Le Cunff, G. Damy, F. Biolley (IFP).

  32.     UDET Brest 2002 - "Fatigue of Steel Catenary Risers" - Y. Croutelle, C. Ricbourg, C. Le Cunff, J-M. Heurtier, F. Biolley - Institut Français du Pétrole & Principia Recherche et Développement

  33.     OTC 14157 - "Modeling of Riser Contact-Friction Problems" - E. Fontaine / Institut Français du Pétrole, J.M. Heurtier / Principia RD, D. Durville / Ecole Centrale Paris, S. Toumit / Technip-Coflexip, C. Prat / Bouygues Offshore

  34.     DOT 2003 - "HYDLINES Project 2D and 3D VIV investigations from model tests and numerical methods" - C. Le Cunff*, P. Guérin**, C. Berhault**, C. Ricbourg**, F. Biolley* - *Institut Français du Pétrole- **Principia R.D

  35.     DOT 2003 - "Connection of the riser to the subsea wellhead using active control" - R. Sabri, J. Lévine, F. Biolley, Y. Creff, C. Le Cunff, C. Putot - Institut Français du Pétrole, France & Centre Automatique et Systèmes, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, France

  36.     IMECE2002-32161 - "Vortex Induced Waves along Cables" - Matteo L. Facchinetti, Emmanuel de Langre, Francis Biolley - Proceedings of FSI, AE & FIV+N 2002

  37.     OMAE2008-57632 - "Frequency-domain calculations of moored vessel motion including low frequency effect" - C. Le Cunff & Jean-Michel Heurtier (Principia), Sam Ryu & Arun S. Duggal (SOFEC Inc.)

  38.     OMAE 2011-49208 - "A simplified approach to estimate wake oscillations in riser arrays" - Cédric Le Cunff, Stéphane Toumit, Jean-Michel Heurtier - PRINCIPIA

  39.     OMAE 2013-10780 - "Fully coupled floating wind turbine simulator based on non-linear finite elements method - Part 1: Methodology" - Cédric Le Cunff, Jean-Michel Heurtier, Loïc Piriou, Christian Berhault* (Principia) & Timothée Perdrizet, David Teixeira, Gilles Ferrer, Jean-Christophe Gilloteaux (IFP Energies Nouvelles) in Proceedings of the ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering

  40.     OMAE 2013-10785 -"Fully coupled floating wind turbine simulator based on non-linear finite elements method - Part 2: Validation results" - Loïc Piriou, Delphine Cadiou, Jean-Michel Heurtier, Cédric Le Cunff (Principia) & Timothée Perdrizet, David Teixeira, Gilles Ferrer, Jean-Christophe Gilloteaux (IFP Energies Nouvelles) in Proceedings of the ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering

  41.     OMAE2014-24040 - "Offshore code comparison collaboration continuation within IEA wind task 30: Phase 2 Results regarding a floating semi-submersible wind system" - Amy Robertson & al.

  42.     OMAE2014-24396 - "Influence of hydrodynamic modelling assumptions on floating wind turbine behaviour" - Rémi Ledru, Cédric Le Cunff, Jean-Michel Heurtier (Principia),Timothée Perdrizet, Yann Poirette (IFP Energies Nouvelles)

  43.     DeepWind 2016 - "OC5 project phase Ib: validation of hydrodynamic loading on a fixed, flexible cylinder for offshore wind applications" - Amy Robertson & al.

  44.     Wind Europe 2017 - PO.292 - "Performance of two closely spaced turbines on a weathervaning floating platform" - F. Blondel*, E. Dyachuk**, N. Hummel**, C. Le Cunff***, M. Rahm* - *Institut Français du Pétrole - ** Hexicon - ***Principia

  45.     DeepWind 2017 - "OC5 project phase II : validation of global loads of the DeepCwind floating semisubmersible wind turbine" - Amy Robertson & al.

  46.     FOWT 2018 - "Castor Vortex solver coupled with DeepLines Wind: an accurate aero-hydro-servo-elastic tool for FOWT design" - F. Blondel, P. Bozonnet, G. Ferrer, C. Le Cunff

  47.     JH2018 - "Comparison of three hydro-structure coupling approaches for the design of floating platforms" - A.L. Defoy*, J.M. Heurtier*, C. Le Cunff*, R. Antonutti**, P. Weyne** - *Principia - ** Naval Energies

  48.     OMAE2019-95429 - "Validation of numerical models of the offshore wind turbine from the Alpha Ventus wind farm against full-scale measurements within OC5 Phase III" - Wojciech Popko & al.

  49.     WIND ENERGY 2021 - "OC6 Phase II: Integration and verification of a new soil-structure interaction model for offshore wind design," - Bergua & al.; 1 - 18.

  50.     Clement. "Investigation of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Hydrodynamics with Computational Fluid Dynamics" Thèse de Doctorat, Normandie Université, France, 2021.

  51.     OMAE2022-78985 - "On the real time hybrid modelling of floating offshore wind turbine using ducted fans(s)" - F. Pétrié, B. Rousse, A. Cinello (Océanide), C. Le Cunff (Principia)

  52.     JH 2022 - "Challenges in modelling floating vertical axis wind turbines" - J. Bostrom, M. Rosander, L. Nieto (SeaTwirl), V. Harnois, C. Le Cunff (Principia), F. Blondel (IFPen)

  53.     WIND ENERGY 2023 - "Phase III: validation of the aerodynamic loading on a wind turbine rotor undergoing large motion caused by a floating support structure," - Bergua & al., 465 - 485.

  54.     S. Chakrabarti. Handbook of Offshore Engineering (2-volume set). Elsevier, 2005.